Violent deeds will always lead to violent actions.
Words are very powerful. One misplaced word, a verb too strong or an empathetic headline that went too far, and the sword would fall, yes that holds true for the printed word. But what about the blogs, website and mailing groups are they not governed by any rules? That is a question which is begging for an answer.
But that can be best answered by the legal luminaries specializing in the field of Cyber laws.
Let’s turn our attention to the biased attitude of a moderator of a mailing group for Goans based in Qatar.
A large section of the Goan community in Qatar are disturbed by the continued acts of Sentinel in creating hatred, ill-feelings and division among the Goan people by an individual who is modearator for the group.
We would like to affirm that such practices of the mailing group are detrimental for society and is a humanitarian crime.
The question raised is how we can allow such mailing to spread venom. Words have the power to heal or to hurt; to bless or to curse; to divide or to bring peace. Violent deeds will always lead to violent actions.
The question raised is how we can allow such mailing to spread venom. Words have the power to heal or to hurt; to bless or to curse; to divide or to bring peace. Violent deeds will always lead to violent actions.
What makes the violence of words particularly dangerous is the interconnected world in which we live.
We the citizens of Goa based in Qatar urge the moderator to focus on good news stories and to help promote bonds of friendship.
We have had consistently ignored his biased attitude towards our club for the last one year since we have been revived. He has not been publishing our news reports – why he has been doing that is a question which will best answered by him.
But the last straw and the icing on his biased attitude came last week when he published a resignation letter from our advisor Melwyn Baretto. No harm in doing so. But natural justice demands that the moderator give the other party a chance to clarify the wild allegations leveled by Melwyn against DGSC and the Committee members in general. Our reply send to him has been ignored till date. This is no fair play. Why he is doing it, is anyone guess.
A moderator holds the key to the kingdom, but in Qatar Goans case the freedom of expression has been used for ulterior motives to ferment division, ill-will, hatred all which will take a long time to heel.
We will love to hear from the moderator over the issue.
For the moment we can only say. God forgive him since he does not know what he is doing, is all we can say to this misguided person.